Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Kelly Leet

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Kelly Leet

We would like to introduce you to Kelly Leet, who will be working with our APPRO team as an Administrative Assistant. We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our great team at APPRO & CERRON.

Name: Kelly Leet

Role:  Administrative Assistant,  APPRO Development, Inc.

What makes our team unique?

  • The fact that we handle every detail of property service from development to selling and the office setting is very open and has a strong team atmosphere.

What inspires and/or motivates you in what you do with APPRO & CERRON?

  • Being very new to the company, I am inspired to learn the industry and my job responsibilities so that I can become an effective and trusted member of the team.

13554What is something people might be surprised to know about you?

  • I have been performing stand-up comedy for 10 years. Mostly open mics around the Twin Cities area but I was a member of a charity group called Funny Money where local comedians performed at fundraisers. I also made it to the semifinals in two "Funniest Person" contests. I am technically a professional because I made $50 once when I performed at a Christmas party! ;)

What is your favorite quote?

  • IRed boxing gloves - isolated over a white backgroundt's a super long quote from the 2006 movie, "Rocky Balboa." Here is an excerpt:
    "It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" (If you would like me to recite the entire speech, I'm always happy to do that!)

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

  • A friend of mine that I hadn't seen in years, told me that it made her happy just knowing there was someone like me out in the world. It's the nicest compliment I've ever received!

We are thrilled to have Kelly on our team! Kelly is very talented, positive and outgoing. She has already proven to be a strong team player and shines brightest when interacting with others! You will meet Kelly over the phone or when you visit our office, as she will be the first voice you will hear or person you will meet - we know you will enjoy getting to know Kelly as much as we have. We are thrilled to have her on our team!

View more team member links HERE.

Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! Subscribe Now

Image sources: Image of Open Mic Night via: Banner vector created by katemangostar -; Boxing gloves via Shutterstock.

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