General Contractor Industrial Buildings are Booming - New Update!

General Contractor Industrial Buildings / Projects are on the Rise General contractor industrial...

Lakeville Expansion Project at Menasha Packaging Awarded to APPRO

Lakeville Expansion Project Awarded to APPRO Development for work on Menasha Packaging Lakeville...

Pan-O-Prog - Lakeville, MN: Flashback Thursday!

Pan-O-Prog is going on in Lakeville, MN - Check Out our Flashback Thursday pics! Pan-o-Prog is an...

Construction Lending - Good News!

Construction Lending is Booming and that is Good News for us all! "Construction Lending Booming...

Lakeville Chamber Food & Fund Drive

Lakeville Chamber Food & Fund Drive – APPRO & CERRON Office a drop site Lakeville Chamber Food &...

Commercial Real Estate Activity: South Metro, MN

CERRON Commercial Properties summarizes commercial real estate activity in the south metro area....