A great time was had by all at the 2015 Lakeville Manufacturers Appreciation Reception!
This "invitation only" event is conducted annually to express appreciation for local industrial and manufacturing businesses, many of which are located in the Airlake Industrial Park. The event was held on Tuesday, October 7, 2015, at Brackett's Crossing Country Club, in Lakeville, Minnesota.
Approximately 90 participants had registered to attend the reception at which the City of Lakeville expressed their appreciation for the value manufacturing and industry businesses bring to our local community. Mayor Matt Little expressed his gratitude for the jobs created by these companies, allowing Lakeville residents to work closer to home. Additional City, County, and State representatives in attendance included: Jon Koznick (MN State Representative-58A), Roz Peterson (MN State Representative-56B), Mary Liz Holberg (Dakota County Commissioner), Colleen LaBeau (Lakeville City Council), and many more. Rick Howden, of the City of Lakeville, drew the names and announced the winners for each of the prizes donated for the evening's reception.
Many thanks to the Event Sponsors: The City of Lakeville, Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau, Dakota Electric Association, Frontier Communications, Minnesota Energy Resources, and Xcel Energy.
Pictured above: Paul Rehmke of Cloverleaf Cold Storage with Jack Matasosky of APPRO and CERRON.
Prizes, vendors, food and more:
In addition to consuming some sumptuous appetizers and engaging in conversations with business owners and vendors/sponsors, attendees had the opportunity to participate in drawings for prizes donated by some of the many businesses attending the event.
Stefanie Sutton and Aaron Custard of Hearthside Food Solutions showing off their prizes (Gopher Hockey tickets donated by APPRO and CERRON, and Minnesota cutting board donated by MN Energy.)

Jack Matasosky of APPRO Development and CERRON Commercial Properties with Paul Rehmke of Cloverleaf Cold Storage and Tom Smith, owner of Brackett's Crossing Country Club. Paul was the winner of four Wild Tickets donated by APPRO and CERRON.
The purpose of the event is to thank area industrial and manufacturing businesses in our local community for their economic impact and all of their hard work. This event coincides with a State of Minnesota Manufacturers Week which runs from October 1-10, 2015. For more information on this annual event held in October in the State of Minnesota, check out the MNDEED page for additional resources including manufacturing tours and a manufacturing quiz.
Finally, a sincere thank you goes out to all of the owners of our local industrial and manufacturing businesses. Since 1987, these business owners have allowed our companies at APPRO and CERRON to be a part of their success and their growth - we are both humbled and grateful to be a part of that - each time we assist with a property solution. Thank you!
Please feel free to leave a comment below - if you attended this event, we would love to hear from you. Also, feel free to get in touch with our team directly: