Commercial Real Estate Financing is Back in the Twin Cities!!

After a three year hiatus - we would like to report recent contacts from both the banking and institutional lending communities looking to place capital in the commercial / industrail markets.

Refinancing, new mortgages, additions and construction financing are all eligible uses for these funds.

Institutional sources look to provide long term (15 to 25 years) permanent fxed rate financing. Current rates for commercial / industrail projects and re-fi are 5.5 to 6.25 % - fixed for the term. Some non - recourse loans are being considered again. Target loan amounts 3 million and up.

Banking sources are looking to provide construction and permanent financing. One bank shared - they look to place over 90 million dollars in commercial real estate in the next few months ! Target loan amounts 1 to 5 million.

Please call us at APPRO / CERRON - and we'd be happy to point you in the right direction for your consideration of any of your loan needs !


Financing Checklist Request-Commercial Lending

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